Waiver (volunteer and student) and Committment to Character (student) documents can be completed by hand or filled in digitally. To utilize fillable fields, documents must be downloaded to a computer. Use the tab key to move from field to field. Use the Print to PDF option to save a copy of your completed documents.

For Student Participants

All student participants must have current Waiver and Commitment to Character forms on file prior to participating in any CYT Chicago programming each season. Submit these document to your chapter's class coordinator the first night of class prior to participation.
  1. Student WaiverThe parent or legal guardian must complete and sign the Student Participant Waiver. If a student participant is 18+ years old, the student must complete the additional 18+ section.
  2. Commitment to CharacterThe student and their parent or legal guardian must review, initial, and sign the Commitment to Character before submitting their seasonal documents. The Commitment to Character provides a summary of the behavior standard for all participants to provide a healthy and positive environment at CYT Chicago.

For Adult Participants

All adult volunteers ("Adult Participants") must have current safety and training documents on file for the items listed below. 
  1. Adult Waiver: A current waiver must be on file with your local chapter coordinator(s) prior to serving at CYT programming. To utilize fillable fields, documents must be downloaded to a computer. Use the tab key to move from field to field. Use the Print to PDF option to save a copy of your completed documents. 
  2. Background Check Authorization: All Adult Participants must have a clear, current background check before serving at CYT. Background checks are valid for two years and will be resubmitted for continuing participation. 
  3. Mandated Reporter training is required by all volunteers, staff, and independent contractors. Please see instructions below including submission instructions.

Required Training: Volunteer, Staff, and Independent Contractor

Volunteers, Staff, and Independent Contractors must complete Illinois and/or Wisconsin Mandated Reporter training every three (3) years.CYT Chicago must have a current certificate of completion on file. 

Illinois Mandated Reporter Training OR Wisconsin Mandated Reporter Training: To align with state safety requirements, all Adult Participants must complete mandated reporter training for the state in which they serve. This training must be completed every three (3) years and will be aligned with the beginning of the season (fall session).