About The Point
The Point Middle School OVERNIGHT Camp: Tuesday, June 24 - Friday, June 27, 2025
(just completed 6th, 7th, or 8th grade, minimum age of 12)
The Point High School OVERNIGHT Camp: Monday, July 7 - Friday, July 11, 2025
(just completed 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade, minimum age of 14)
Location: Judson University, Elgin, IL
The Point is a theatre-based overnight camp experience for Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers.
Throughout camp we have games and events that are tailored toward developing your strengths, deepening your relationship with others, building confidence, and having FUN. Team spirit runs deep at The Point. Both the middle school and high school overnight camps will conclude with a variety show style showcase. The showcases are free and open to family and friends.
Most importantly, each day we set aside times to worship, pray, reflect, and delve into God’s word together. Our prayer is that every camper walks away knowing that they are perfectly loved by a Holy God. This year’s theme is Life in the Ensemble - Unity: we aren’t meant to do life alone.
Join us as we explore what it means to walk in unity with God, and our brothers and sisters in Christ. Just like an ensemble is made up of many people with the same goal, so should our faith-walk be.